Servicios Terapéuticos

Enfoque integral para tratar ansiedad, depresión y estrés mediante hipnosis y terapia sistémica.

Several suction cups are placed on a person's back as part of a therapeutic treatment, commonly known as cupping therapy. A practitioner gently holds one of the cups while operating a handheld device.
Several suction cups are placed on a person's back as part of a therapeutic treatment, commonly known as cupping therapy. A practitioner gently holds one of the cups while operating a handheld device.
Terapia Individual

Intervenciones personalizadas para abordar emociones y conductas de manera efectiva y holística.

Terapia de Pareja

Mejorar la comunicación y resolver conflictos en relaciones a través de técnicas terapéuticas integradas.

Terapia Familiar

Fortalecer la dinámica familiar mediante intervenciones que fomentan la comprensión y el apoyo emocional.

La terapia con Jazmín me ayudó a superar mi ansiedad y encontrar paz emocional. ¡Altamente recomendada!

María López

A person wearing a dark shirt is lying down, while another person's hands are pressing on their back or chest area. This seems to be either a massage or a therapy session.
A person wearing a dark shirt is lying down, while another person's hands are pressing on their back or chest area. This seems to be either a massage or a therapy session.
A person lies on a medical bed, wearing a surgical cap and having their skin treated with a metal instrument by a professional in gloves. The atmosphere is clinical and focused on skincare.
A person lies on a medical bed, wearing a surgical cap and having their skin treated with a metal instrument by a professional in gloves. The atmosphere is clinical and focused on skincare.
